What would saving 6 to 7 figure £ sums mean to your construction projects? PLUS Speeding up your delivery…
Here ARE 5 ways of how you will save Time, Money or improve delivery with Sentry
London Underground’s track renewal project saved over 10% on its delivery, which equated to financial savings of over £ 5 figures
Reviewing the vehicle usage on one of our client’s sites, allowed them to save over £450,000 in vehicle costs (A return on investment for Sentry of 5000%)
Thanks to monitoring a piling operation, which was losing 1 day per week against the project plan, the client was able toget back on schedule and gain an extra productive day
Network Rail were able to continue working on an embankment project without losing time because of excess noise issues when Sentry proved that the cars in the children’s hospice caused more noise than the works themselves
Your planned Health and Safety Standards can be proven through the monitoring of the works and the reports generated by our system.
Find out now how Sentry can make your project more viable, profitable and more CONSISTENTLY delivered.
Our Award Winning System saves time, money and creates dependability for our clients. We have saved £m for our clients.
Find out more about how to boost your operating opportunities.
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